Brooch Pineapple Apple Earring! BPAE!

With a gently warm breeze, a soothing wave, and people watching the FIFA World Cup, Vancouver’s tardy summer has finally arrived!


Summer here is very tranquil, peaceful, and lovely. Everyday is warm and cozy, and yet not scorching hot. For a summer like this, jewelry pieces become an essence for Vancouver’s summer fashion styles and outfits.

I have an earring, I have an apple, Apple Earring!


Think about a pair of earrings that has the flavour and freshness of summer, and an adorable and enchanting design, a pair of earrings that allows you to radiate your summer spirit on a trip, it is a pair of earrings brought by DK Pearla, our newest Apple earrings. Enjoy the revitalizing feeling that these tiny apple earrings bring, they are the perfect embellishment for your summer style.

I have a brooch, I have a pineapple, Pineapple Brooch!


Imagine a brooch that has the taste and spark of summer, and a refreshing and stylish design, a brooch that allows you to show your summer vibe on a sunny day, it is a brooch brought by DK Pearla, our newest Pineapple Brooch. Forget about only wearing the brooch with a heavy coat or a sweater, wear the Pineapple Brooch on your T-shirt or any summer outfit and enjoy the hot summer days with chicness!


Apple Earring, Pineapple Brooch,

Brooch Pineapple Apple Earring!
